Shark Shooting Incident and How We Can Put Pressure on FWC to Act

I try not to share awful and sensitive things, but this needs attention.

This week a very disturbing and reckless video was posted on someones instagram of a shark being shot in Florida waters. The worst part about this video is that it is in fact LEGAL.

Though I will not be posting this video due to the sensitive content, please follow this link to watch the video that demonstrates the horrendous example of animal abuse that is legal

As someone who loves sharks, this behavior is incredibly difficult to watch. But as someone who respects wildlife and nature, this behavior is completely unacceptable. There is a huge disconnect between humans and wildlife that needs to be fixed. We try everyday to help change people’s minds about sharks, and seeing things like this is so defeating.

Laws need to change.

Photo by: @chelleblaisphoto

In situations like this, sharks are being killed because they are feeding on the fish that these humans are looking to catch. Even though sharks have been on earth for over 450 million years, somehow fish aren’t their food. The fact that this behavior is legal is incredibly disappointing. One idiot decided to post a video, but this type of behavior occurs all the time, and most don’t even know. Multiple shark tour companies in Florida discuss how sharks come to dive boats with fresh bullet wounds. These sharks are “lucky” enough to survive these bullet wounds, but what about the ones that don’t? Please use this ignorance of these people as motivation and get involved in helping with this change.

Posted from @sharkgirlmadison “PLEASE SHARE Florida officials said it is against the law—a second-degree misdemeanor—to shoot sharks in state waters. But it is considered LEGAL to shoot at a shark that has been fished in federal waters, making it unknown how they will tackle this just yet. This is NOT an issue of this individual- it’s an overall issue of many distressing and disturbing individuals who don’t respect sharks or wildlife and a desperate need for legislation to change. It’s important to note that research has shown a direct link between people who treat animals like this being capable of violence towards humans. If the laws aren’t changed, or our level of respect for wildlife, and we allow this sort of thing to happen, we open society to becoming complacent with a low form of human, do we really want that? *I’m not naming the individuals involved because this is bigger than just them and I don’t think they deserve the attention* they are currently under investigation.”

If you want to help, please click the link below by @sharkgirlmadison and follow the steps in the description. By following this link and reporting the incident, you are putting pressure on FWC to act.

Lets not forget about the many other shark related incidents in which animal abuse was 100% legal. Such as the Australian fisherman who turned a baby bull shark into a bong. Or that living shark being dragged to its death by a car and was filmed. Were these people punished? No, because this disgusting behavior of animal abuse is legal.

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