
Shark Shooting Incident and How We Can Put Pressure on FWC to Act

I try not to share awful and sensitive things, but this needs attention. This week a very disturbing and reckless video was posted on someones instagram of a shark being shot in Florida waters. The worst part about this video is that it is in fact LEGAL. Though I will not be posting this video

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Sharks: Misconceptions vs the truth

“If we can teach people about wildlife, they will be touched… humans want to save things that they love.” Steve Irwin Thanks to sensationalized stories, exaggerated news, and stereotyping, sharks have become feared rather than saved. These dramatized aspects have created a repulsive perspective towards sharks labeling them as dangerous (blood-thirsty) killers. Regardless of your fears,

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The White Shark

White Sharks, or as most people refer to them as Great White Sharks, Carcharodon carcharias, can reach up to 1,500-2,400lbs and can be as large as 6.0-6.5m in length. They are found in most temperate and sub-tropical regions. They are very strong and powerful swimmers capable of reaching speeds of 60km per hour. White sharks

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